Digitize with OCR

OCR software document automation

Read data from documents directly with OCR software based on deep learning. Shorten lead times, errors and the manual effort of expensive employees.

OCR software

automate your entire document flow with OCR software

Employees in the office or outside read different types of texts all day long. They then have to process this somewhere, often an ERP system. A waste of their time! With the development of deep learning as a subset within AI, Optical Character Recognition has become a lot more flexible and can handle any type of document. Use our deep learning OCR software algorithms to automate this.

deep learning OCR


build it yourself

Supplai its OCR software algorithm is, unlike generic machine learning OCR software, based on deep learning and therefore able to read semi-structured documents that do not follow a standard template.
This ensures that when you get new documents or documents with different layouts you don’t have to retrain.
You determine what is read per document.


all types of documents

Invoices, purchase orders, registration forms written or typed, logistics documents. There are many more types of documents to be defined. PDF, Word, and even email.

Our OCR software based on deep learning can handle them all!
data entry door AI

24/7 365

always up to date

A new unprecedented productivity. All data immediately available in the right place to work even more efficiently and effectively.

groeit mee


Sometimes you can grow but you do not immediately find the right employees. Very annoying.
Our deep learning OCR software algorithm ensures that the extra documentation of growth is covered in any case without having to search for extra employees!
save 5-10 times the cost in 5 years
reduce "human error"
more insight into your processes and data
24/7, 365 per year
deep learning OCR invoice

work smarter

administration costs a lot (time)

Unlike machine learning OCR software, deep learning OCR software is able to reduce the number of incorrect documents and manual handling by up to 100%.
0 +
documents analyzed
0 +
hours saved
0 x
faster than employees

easy to link to, for example

maximize employee ROI with OCR

Capture data from documents instantly. Shorten lead times and required manual effort.

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